Tuesday, April 26, 2011



choosing a friend is like asking yourself who are you trying to resemble? or who are you trying to imitate?. for unconsciously, you will be surprised, seeing yourself exactly as who your friends are. Little  by little you will be adopting their ways, their attitude, understanding, perceptions,impression or expression which always starts on little things, just as i remember when i was in 5th grade, i had this classmate who puts her retainers on, and so i had one for myself and some of my classmates. Another example, high-school students want to have the same ball-pen that has  feathers on its top, or they want to walk with the same bag, or shoes. if one of them has their bangs, they will also put one. if one of them had her curly hair, definitely the rest of the group will follow. And that's what the group is trying to point out, to have their identity. and the question is, what kind of identity do you want to have?. 

Hang out with the right people, one of my major realizations in life. As a student, (and for those students who are reading this,) its not just about having good and high grades because of them or the motivation your friends are giving you, It's simply more than that.

Keeping yourself on the right track. 
Are you at the right track now? What kind of people do you usually spend your time with?  Answering these basic questions, will help you  scrutinize this present area of your life, if your still walking on a right path or not at all. One of the  greatest blessings in my life is to have a christian family who really seeks the Lord.  I  know my parents is my source of wisdom. I've seen the significance of their words, and their peace of mind really matters. Try to go beyond their words, you will be amazed how they can just turn your life into something better.

PROVERBS 6:20-23
20My son, keep your father’s command
   and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
21 Bind them always on your heart;
   fasten them around your neck.
22 When you walk, they will guide you;
   when you sleep, they will watch over you;
   when you awake, they will speak to you.
23 For this command is a lamp,
   this teaching is a light,
and correction and instruction
   are the way to life,

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